Monday, February 7, 2011

So Discouraged

I am not sure if it was the combination of Super Bowl frenzy and stress from our upcoming Birthday Week, but I was not a frugal girl this weekend. We had breakfast out Saturday morning. We ended up going to Aaron's sister's house (2 hours away) on Saturday after I got off of work, so of course we had to stop for something to eat on the way. We also picked up dinner for everyone at a butcher, beer and cigars for the game on Sunday.

I left at 6 the next morning to go to work and bought a bunch of random things I'd been wanting from Walgreens (did I really need lavendar AND grey nail polish?) and breakfast for the drive.

I'm worried this is worse than yo-yo dieting and I am setting myself up for failure. It almost feels like once I slip up (eating out, grabbing something I didn't REALLY need) I figure the whole day is blown.

I am trying to refocus and plan the parties for Aaron and Connor out very thoroughly, so there are no more impulse purchases. We shall see!

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