Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Still Here!

I'd posted before how I have been majorly distracted by Tumblr, but I've also endured a move, a major change of life event (FIL living with us) and a sinus infection.

Excuses aside, I ended the month on a very low note for my fitness and health resolution. I'm still down the 6 lbs I lost in the first two weeks, but both Aaron and I have fallen off the wagon in terms of exercise. It is sad to make excuses (see first paragraph) but we've been so pooped from moving and exhausted from tons of WA rain that getting out to run has been not as appealing as it was in the first part of March.

Needless to say, I haven't exactly nailed down an April resolution. I am leaning toward quitting yelling, since C is mimicking the way I talk now. I am really scared to tackle that. I grew up in a house of yellers. I've yelled my entire life, and I am not sure how leaving it behind will happen.

I do have some good resources, though, from co-op preschool. We covered something similar and I have a book on hold called Mommy's Gonna Blow about managing anger.

Another option would be to hold over March's fitness goal so I can really focus on it now that we are more or less settled.

Apologizes for this scatter-brained post!

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